Shoot The Moon
Nominated for Little Live Wrapples with Moose Toys

2018 is going to be a great year for Shoot the Moon. We are very excited about our product line and our business partners are doing a great job developing and promoting the products. The development team at Shoot the Moon has really delivered this year and we are thankful to have such a professional team. It is so much fun being inventors when your product portfolio includers Hatchimals, Little Live and Lazer Tag!
Products from the past year:
Hasbro – Nerf Laser Ops
SpinMaster – Hatchimal Baby
Moose – Little Live Wrapples, Little Live Cutie Pup, Little Live Dancing Unicorn, Little Live Busy Bubs, Real Robots MiBro, Real Robots Yak Bot
Crayola – Scribble Scrubbies