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chitag group logo 2013.jpg
POP Final Logo.jpeg

POP Week Events

POP Inventor Pitch and Innovation Conference.jpg
POP logo w Young Inventor Challenge.png
Play in Education logo
TAGIE transparent logo from online.png
chitag fair logo tranparent.png

POP Media

The Bloom Report Masthead.jpg
POP DUOS 2022 Logo.jpg

This POP World logo usually goes with our POP Pub events outside US

Holiday Guide Square.png
Play in Education News Header.jpg
POP News header w border.jpg
Media and Influencer header.jpg
Consumer Importance of Play Newsletter header.jpg
I.D.E.A. Newsletter Header 2.jpg
Play in Education News Header.jpg

Attend the
PIE Conference
Chicago Toy & Game Fair
November 9 - 10th

The Chicago Toy & Game Fair, Nov. 9 - 10, 2024 at the Donald J Stephens Convention Center  in Rosemont, IL

Play in Education News Header oct 30 2024.jpg

Badges and Save the Date

Attending FAIR 6-11-24.jpeg
Exhibiting FAIR 6-11-24.jpeg
SavetheDate Banner 6-12-24.jpg
Savethedate Square ALL 1 6-10-24.jpeg

Combinations to Show Association, Social Icons

chitag pop logos together.png
TAGIE and POP logos.png
POP and TAGIEs that was in Toy Book 2021.jpg
POP mini for social with white corners.jpg

Versions Allowed

TAGIE 2021 finalist.PNG
Animated POP logo.gif
TAGIE Awards Spinning smaller file.gif

A few logos need to look more like a family...
Ideas for updating (open to ideas of course)...

 POP Week logo (like CHITAG Week)
Should the TAGIE logo stay as is?
CHITAG Fair Play in Education (Play in Education as subevent)
CHITAG Fair PlayCHIC (PlayCHIC as a subevent)
CHITAG Fair Super Power Sensory Hour (Super Power Sensory Hour as a subevent)
CHITAG Fair Young Inventor Chal
lenge (like the POP Young Inventor Challenge, but using the Fair logo instead of POP since it is part of the Fair)
POP PRO Director
y (Pro Directory as a subevent under POP logo)
POP Roast (Roast)
The POP logo edges are a bit 'ragged' (not sure what term to use) - it isn't a smooth outline


Young Inventors Challenge draft  logo 06-18-19(Final)-01 - not final from Matt.jpg
Play in Education logo
Pop Logo Database Options.jpg
TAGIE Logo w POP logo on it frist draft from Kaye White crystalTAGIEtemp.jpg
TAGIE Award Flat no color.jpg
POP Logo  TOP 22.jpg


TAGIE Seals 2023 Honoree.jpg
TAGIE Seals 2023 Winner.jpg
TAGIE Seals 2023 Nominee.png
POP Logo  TOP 22.jpg

Badges, Event Images

Mentor announcement.jpg

Something like the above for our mentors, speakers?

Show the world you are part of CHITAG Week! We appreciate your support! 

You can save the image to your computer by downloading it, or use the code below. 

Badge I'm Going ChiTAG.png
ChiTAG_Social_BadgeGoing2 (1).jpg

<a href=""><img title="I'm Going to Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!" src="" alt="I'm Going to Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!"></a>

Badge I'm exhibiting ChiTAG.png
ChiTAG_Social_BadgeExhibiting2 (1).jpg

<a href=""><img title="I'm Exhibiting at Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!" src="" alt="I'm Exhibiting at Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!"></a>

Badge I'm Speaking Chitag.png
ChiTAG_Social_BadgeSpeaking2 (1).jpg

<a href=""><img title="I'm Speaking at Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!" src="" alt="I'm Speaking at Chicago Toy and Game (ChiTAG) Week this November!"></a>

Not in Use

POP Innovation Summit logo - Copy.jpeg
POP Logo B w sub brands August 12 2020.jpeg
ChiTagWeek Logo 600x314.png
young inventor challenge.png
TGCON logo.jpg
TGCon_NEW 2012.jpg
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