Professional Inventor and Inventor Relations Execs AGENDA
(And more to be added!)
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Possible Film Screening
Thursday, November 17, 2016
7:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast
8:00 Welcome - All Tracks Together on Room 325
Mary Couzin Introduces Catherine McMillan Gill and Richard Gill of McGill and Associates, Moderators of the Conference and Jessie Mansbacher, Executive Director of Conferences.
8:10 Opening Keynotes
Kathleen Campisano, VP GMM Toys, Games, Hobby & Collectibles at Barnes & Noble
Michelle Thaller, Assistant Director of Science , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
9:25 Professional Inventors and Company Inventor Relations Execs Attendees Leave for Room 328
9:30 – 10:30 Professional Inventors and Company Inventor Relations Introductions in one room… together!
10:30 Company Inventor Relations Group Think (move to different room)
10:30 Professional Inventor Group Think
11:30 Both Groups Rejoin to Share Their Thoughts
12:00 Networking Chicago-Style Lunch – All Tracks
1:00 – 5:30 Professional Inventor and Company Inventor Relations Meetings (companies have private office space) or attend conference sessions in New Inventor Track
5:00 Tim Walsh, Chief Playmaker, The Playmakers, and Reyn Guyer, Developer of the Twister game and the Nerf line - Learn How to Think More Creatively with Right Brain Red
6:00 – 10:00 Networking Dinner & Fun with the Experts/Speakers at D4 Pub
Join us for the Networking Dinner (open bar and delish dinner) at D4 Pub. It is a short walk from both Navy Pier and Doubletree Hotel (only a block from Doubletree).
7:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
Keynote Speakers
8:00 Andy Roo Forrest, Partner in Forrest Pruzan Creative
8:30 Jim McCafferty, Owner of JMP Creative
9:00 Professional Inventors Leave for Room 328 and Company Inventor Relations Execs leave for Room 326 for New Inventor Track Speed Pitch
Professional Inventor Morning Sessions in Room 328
9:00 Legal Clauses and Questions
9:30 Presentation from United States Patent and Trademark Office.
10:00 Other Avenues – DRTV and Crowdfunding
10:30 Demo of 5 trends: AR, AI, Coding, Robotics and Talking Toys
Robin Raskin, President of Living in Digital Times
11:00 New Technology
11:30 Trends
12:00 Networking Lunch (All Tracks)
1:00 – 5:00 Professional Inventor & Company Inventor Relations Meetings (companies have private office space)
Or you can also attend these sessions….
1:00 – 3:00 Social and Digital Media Track
1:00 Social Media
Panel Discussion: Using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Blogs and More
2:00 Public Relations and Marketing Strategy (Digital and Traditional)
With So Many Options Today, Where Do You Put Your Money?
2:30 3:00 The Importance of Play – Research You Can Use
3:00 Wrap-Up Conference
If you have exhibit space at the weekend ChiTAG Fair, you have until 6pm to enter the Hall (Festival Hall A&B) to set up your booth/table. Once in the Hall, you may stay until approximately 9pm. See ChiTAG Exhibitor Manual for details.
6:00 to 11:00 Toy & Game Innovation Awards (TAGIEs) and PlayCHIC
An elegant and playful celebration of innovation, inventors and collaboration! Black Tie Optional.
Saturday, November 19, 2016 8:00 to 6:00
Professional Inventor and Company Inventor Relations Meetings (companies have private office space)
Sunday, November 20th 8:00 to 5:00
Professional Inventor and Company Inventor Relations Meetings (companies have private office space)