2016 New Inventor Conference Agenda
2016 Keynotes

2016 Top Industry Speakers (and more coming!)

President, NH Contract Managemen
President, Pterod
RPD Consulting
Owner, Building Blocks Toy Stores

National Accounts Manager, PSI Inc.
Founder, Living in Digital Times
Co-Owner and Creative Director, Design Edge Inc.

Founder & President, WunderReps
Owner, Peggy Brown Creative Consulting
President, Global Toy Experts and Global Toy News
CEO, SoChic Media
why Attend?
"If you’re truly serious about getting into the toy & game industry, whether it be as a designer looking to license your ideas or someone looking start a company producing your own products, I can’t recommend enough attending this Conference. I first attended T&GCon in 2014 and have since licensed several toys and games, all to companies that I met at the conference (Marbles, Mindware & Fat Brain Toys). Although I’m a newbie to the industry I’m confident in saying that you would be very hard pressed to find any single event, at least in the United States, that new (and experienced) toy & game inventors can attend that will be as helpful as T&GCon will be to your aspirations. " -Brady Peterson
Opportunity to meet with toy and game companies.
Pitch your toy, game or app idea to dozens of companies for licensing and feedback.
Network with toy and game companies as well as consultants and others that can help you succeed.
Full conference program to learn about the industry and save you from making costly mistakes.
Conference registration inclusions
Two days of customized conference sessions designed to give you a broad exposure to the toy & game industry
An exhibit table with a "Speed Meeting" opportunity to show off your prototypes, products, and ideas
Unparalleled opportunity to network with peers and presenters
- Opportunity to meet with toy an game companies
- One ticket to D4 Pub Night - great food, great space, great networking!
One ticket to the PlayCHIC Fashion Show on Friday night (same night as TAGIEs)
- One ticket to the Toy & Game Innovation Awards (TAGIEs) on Friday night (same night as PlayCHIC)
Two-day admission to the Fair on Saturday & Sunday
Discounts on exhibition space at the Chicago Toy & Game Fair - A $300 discount on a 6 feet inventor table space or a $500 discount on a 10 x 10 square feet or larger booth space. This is separate from the table you receive at this inventor conference.
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for both days
Coffee, tea & networking breaks for both days
Exhibit Tables and "Speed Meeting"
Attendees with prototypes, inventions, products, and/or services receive a 6 foot exhibit table in our mini show room (near the conference rooms) which allows you to present product during the conference on Friday.
During the "Speed Meeting and Pitching" period on Friday morning, all conference speaker/experts have agreed to take time to walk through the Walkabout room to see product, and listen to the "elevator pitch" at each table. The schedule permits at least one minute with each company, and then take advantage of the networking opportunities to have deeper discussions with the people who are interested in your products.
There is no additional cost for reserving a table at the conference, Contact us to reserve your table. All materials being displayed must fit on top of the 6 foot table. Table coverings are acceptable. No items may be placed adjacent to the table (i.e. banners or display racks).
Companies in Attendance (2015)

Past Speakers
CEO, SoChic Media
Design Manager, New Business Group, Hasbro
Catherine McMillen-Gill
McGill Associates

Director of Global Games Acquisition, Hasbro
Head of New Business, Asmodee
CEO, Shafir Games

President, Pterod
Brand Spokeswoman, Real Mom Media LLC
Owner, Building Blocks Toy Stores

Owner, ToyQueen.com
Associate Athletic Director and eSports Coordinator at Robert Morris University
President, KidStuff PR
Manager, Social Media and Influencer Relations at Spin Master Ltd
Co-Owner and Creative Director, Design Edge Inc.

National Accounts Manager, PSI Inc.
Strategic Partnership Development, Hasbro
Founder and CMO, Mommy & Gracie Show
Founder and owner of SAHMReviews.com
Professor of Psychology, Tempe University

Owner, Peggy Brown Creative Consulting
Director of Global Toy Acquisition, Hasbro
President, NH Contract Managemen
President, Global Toy Experts and Global Toy News
President, Product Counsel

Founder, Living in Digital Times
RPD Consulting
Ruth Green Concepts, Inc
Vice President, MWW
Fearless Leader of The PlayMakers
2015 Printed Program
New Inventors Track
November 17-18, 2016
Pitch companies such as Hasbro, Spin Master, Mattel, Bandai, PlayMonster, Asmodee, Pressman Toy, Goliath Games, ThinkFun, Offset Media, Trend Int'l, USAopoly, Marbles, the Brain Store, Polygroup, Fat Brain Toys, Marektoy, Identity Games USA and Netherlands, Carletto, Buffalo Games, Peaceable Kingdom, Longshore, CASS Group, Haywire Group, Jazwares, Blue Orange and more to come from around world. Learn how to develop products and pitch them effectively from Design Edge, PSI, Barnes and Noble, JMP Creative, Forrest-Pruzan, The Playmakers, Reyn Guyer Creative, Building Blocks, Living in Digital Times, Global Toy News, RPD Consulting, U.S. Patent Office, McGill and Associates, WunderReps and more. Learn the ins and outs of licensing, self publishing, social media marketing, and more straight from the pros! Includes tickets to exclusive Inventor Night at D4 Irish Pub, Toy & Game Innovation Awards and PlayCHIC.
In our 10th year, formerly known as T&GCon, this is a forum for advocating, educating and bringing together people in the toy and game industry; with unrivaled opportunities for private/confidential meetings, knowledge sharing, learning about new trends, pooling resources and generating new business.
Space is limited! Register to attend here!

4 Things every New Inventor should know
No need to wait until the Conferences, here are 3 things you can today to get you started in the Toy & Game Industry
1. Read the Whitepapers (http://www.chitag.com/white-papers)
2. Read the Blogs (http://www.chitag.com/blog)
3. Subscribe to the ChiTAG Newsletter (Email us at: info@chitag.com)
4. Become a member of ChiTAG Group to get introductions and one-on-one mentoring ($10-$30 per month depending on your requirements contact us to find out more: info@chitag.com)

I attended T&GCon (New Inventor Conferences) and ChiTAG (Week) for the first time in 2012 as a newbie inventor looking to gain feedback on our party game, Schmovie. I received invaluable insights from seasoned industry folks and consumers alike, and we ended up making key changes to both our game play and box design as a result. I’m excited to return this year as we celebrate Schmovie’s official launch!
Bryan Wilson, Partner/Creative Director, Galactic Sneeze
Register for the
New Inventor Conference 2016!
Conference Sponsors 2016

Where to stay
We reserve a block of rooms at the Doubletree Magnificent Mile (a five-minute taxi ride to the Pier) with a discounted room rate if you make your reservations through our travel agent - Kate Hennessy at Milne Travel American Express.
Call Kate at: +1 802 735 1316 (or +1 802 862 2200) or email: Kate.Hennessey@milnetravel.com
Availability is limited! Book early!
Art of pitching your idea
Recorded at Conferences 2014
Randall Hoyt pitches his game "Turnpike" to toy & game publishers. Used by permission of Grandfather Films