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Interview with Andy Roo Forrest of Forrest-Pruzan Creative

Where did you grow up and how did that influence who you are today?

My dad was a pediatric neurologist at Stanford. My mom was a schoolteacher. Both of them were intensely interested in early childhood development. We played a lot of games and I fell in love with games.

Are you named after anyone?

I was named after Mahatma Gandhi, but my parents were poor spellers.

What are trends in toys / games that excite or worry you?

I’m excited that games are still relevant in our culture. The buzz and the mind-share about games is growing, in cafes, on the web, everywhere. There are energetic, enthusiastic, communicative fans in pockets all over the world. They are staying in on weekends and playing games, they're having game-themed weddings, they are sleeping with their games! It’s fantastic.

Do you have any special talents? Songwriting, auctioneering, talking to strangers.

Summer or Winter?

Winter: When the leaves fall off, you can see the structure of the world.

Hugs or Kisses?

Hugs, my ambition in life is to be one of the world’s great huggers. If I was known as one of the world’s greatest kissers, that would be weird.

What’s the first thing you usually notice about people?

I notice their happy-factor.

What inspires you?

Great themed strategy games, the blues, modern art, and enlightened beings.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’m pretty happy being an awkward adolescent.

What’s next?

I want to fail better.

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